Tonight I cleaned out my refrigerator. I wasn't really planning on it, but I took a couple of bowls of yucky stuff out, and got rid of that. Then I noticed how gross the shelves were looking, and that there was still nasty stuff in there. So I took out the nasty stuff, washed the one shelf, dried it carefully and put it back in. Then I noticed how disgusting all the other shelves looked compared to the first shelf.
Then I took the small drawer out, and there was gross stuff on the shelf that holds the two produce drawers. I couldn't put a nice clean shelf back on top of a disgusting shelf, so I wrestled out the two produce drawers, which was a trick, as the door of the fridge is blocked by a wall. I washed and washed and washed, and then it came time to put the produce shelves back in. Many gymnastics were performed, and then I realized that an bar inside the drawer was upside down, so the drawers weren't seated correctly. Wrestled drawers out again, fixed bar, wrestled drawers in again. So much fun.
Got everything cleaned and put back in. Then I just stood back and admired my fridge. It made me so happy. How sad is that, when a clean fridge brings so much joy? Katrina has said, "Wow, is that really our fridge?" It really is impressive.