September 08, 2003

Katrina on the First Day of School

This is what Katrina wrote when asked to write a little bit about what the first week of school was like:

The First Week of School

The first week of school to me was very educational, fantastic, and, fun!!! We learned things like there's 30 hundreds in 3,000 and to drop the e when you add a ing. We learned how to plot a story. We learned how to read music and what digiwalkers are. We learned how to solve your feelings and what people do when they're in different moods. At recess we played around on the bars, fliping and twirling. Alexa swung around the bar 13 times in a row!!! I tried, but I couldn't do it. We played basketball, and we played teatherball(I never won) We played house, and we rolled down the hill. M y teacher is Dr.Forbes. He's nice, but strict.We have groups of two boy and girl!! We don't have homework till the third week of school. and after that, we only have homework on Tuesday and Thursday.
So far school is defenetly cool

Posted by Rachel at September 8, 2003 09:37 PM
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