January 05, 2004

New Year, New Look

I have tinkered and tinkered and finally come up with a new look for the site.

I have ringing endorsements from the girls. K. likes the background image, and A. is glad that I'm branching out from using just purple and green. In case you've forgotten already what the old version looked like, it's still available here. I plan one day to add a sort of photo log along the other side of the page, but I ran out of redesign energy before I got that working the way it should.

It's supposed to snow a lot tonight, and I am so tired, but am also wanting to stay up and watch for the snow. I think sleep is going to win out, though.

I left work early today and stopped at Trader Joe's on the way home, where it was packed tighter than it was two days before Christmas. Apparently everyone has envisioned being completely snowed in. I, for one, am certainly hoping that tomorrow will be a lovely snow day. The only snag in this plan is that people kept scheduling meetings for tomorrow at work. Don't they know it's supposed to snow?

Abby reported that her teachers were visibly excited at the thought of a snow day tomorrow. She said one of them was even dancing around about it. I keep checking to see if they've reported the schools closed yet -- there's no snow, but that hasn't stopped them in the past -- but so far, nothing has been reported. We are all sleeping with our toes crossed tonight!

Posted by Rachel at January 5, 2004 10:01 PM

So are you the ones responsible for all this lovely wet cold stuff laying around on the ground everywhere?

Hope you are enjoying it immensely.

Posted by: Patricia Tuor at January 6, 2004 02:47 PM

big thank

Posted by: generic tadalafil at December 3, 2006 06:15 AM
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