October 18, 2004

Brain Power

Last night, Abby and I were going to go to the grocery store, and I wasn't having a lot of luck getting everything that I needed to go to the grocery store all together in one place.

And it's not even that I needed that much. My grocery list (which I lost approximately eight times while getting ready to go), my shoes, my keys. My keys gave me the most trouble. They weren't anywhere, which I guess I sort of deserved after giving my brother a hard time about locking his keys in his truck last weekend.

So Abby helped me look. We covered all the usual places, and she said lots of encouraging things like, "I wonder what the keys are thinking right now." Finally, she started talking me through the day, "So when did you last have them? Then what did you do? Did you get the mail?" And then it all came back to me, and I knew that I'd find my keys under the mail on the dining room table.

And sure enough, there they were.

I'm going to blame it all on going back to school. My brain is now full of things like if interest expenses are considered an investing or operating expense, and the formula for determining the return on assets, compared to the return on shareholders' equity. Accounting. Gotta love it. Economics is more interesting, and requires less details, cool graphs, and so far, not as much work. We get our second homework today, though, so that might change dramatically very soon.

We did a long weekend trip to Victoria before school started, (almost a month ago now!) and I still haven't put up any pictures. We had a great time though, and saw all the Victoria/Vancouver Island sights, including Butchart Gardens, the wax museum, and the history museum, with the Egyptian exhibit.

Posted by Rachel at October 18, 2004 11:31 AM

that WAS a great trip to Victoria, and I love the wax muesuem, even though the scary section was, well, scary.

Posted by: Katrina at May 11, 2005 10:54 AM

HI!!!!! I heard about Victoria before, it's really really really really neat.

Posted by: Natasha at May 11, 2005 10:55 AM
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